RealSense Technology is a 3D camera that can capture images, gesture control, video, and scan 3-D images. You can attach to your smartphone, desktop computer, laptop computer, or tablet. It uses various technologies to achieve depth perception, 3-D imaging, interior mapping, and feature tracking. RealSense technology not only allows you to edit photos and videos, but it also allows you to make accurate measurements of things in your videos or pictures. You can scan people and objects in using this technology and print it out using a 3-D printer, making it come to life! This would be an awesome tool to use in a science or social studies classroom. The camera allows the computer to recognize objects and people and navigate the environment. A person can take a picture with their Realsense technology and make it move using their hands. They can become part of the experience. Using the Realsense camera the user can change the backgrounds of their pictures, enable special effects, and enhance colors. The 3-D camera can track 22 points, and this is what allows it to interpret your gestures and bring them to life on your screen. This technology is amazing because if you are collaborating with someone, you almost feel like you are in the same room looking at the same item. You can also shop online using this technology because some retail stores are even testing out Realsense technology so that when consumers are shopping online, they can capture their body shape and "try on" clothes to see how it will look on them. You can try on different sizes to see which one you "fits" you best. This will take online shopping to a whole new level...pretty soon you will not have to leave your couch!
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